HomeFranchising BrasilNewsDelegation of Brazilian companies arrives in Panama for Franchising Brasil’s trade mission

Delegation of Brazilian companies arrives in Panama for Franchising Brasil’s trade mission

Delegation of Brazilian companies arrives in Panama for Franchising Brasil’s trade mission

Seven Brazilian franchises that participate in Franchising Brasil — the result of a partnership between the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) and the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) — will be at the Panama Trade Mission, which will take place between May 15th and 17th. The first time the program visited the country in search of opportunities in the Panamanian market was more than 10 years ago.

The delegation is made up of the brands Acquazero, Aggro, Casa do Construtor, Grupo SD, HNT, Hope and Morana. The companies’ agenda on the morning of the 15th will include a workshop on the Panamanian market with the participation of the Brazilian Embassy in Panama and the Panama Chamber of Commerce. In the afternoon, Brazilian and Panamanian businessmen will meet to talk about new business opportunities. The 16th and 17th will be dedicated to technical visits to shopping centers, franchise operators and franchised units.

For Bruno Amado, Franchising Brasil’s executive manager, a mission to Panama offers Brazilian franchises an excellent opportunity to expand in Central America: “For those interested in exploring new markets outside North America or Europe, the Panamanian market is an important gateway to the entire region. We are very optimistic about expanding the program’s borders and reaping the results that will certainly emerge from this trip”, he says.

Click here to learn more about the companies participating in the mission.

About Franchising Brasil

Franchising Brasil is a joint project of the Brazilian Franchising Association (ABF) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), which aims to support the internationalization strategy of Brazilian franchise networks and their international trade promotion. The initiative was conceived to promote this recognized business model in the main international markets.